About State Lodge of Pennsylvania
Mission Statement
The State Lodge of Pennsylvania, Order Sons of Italy in America, promotes the Italian heritage of our members throughout the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania by supporting many local, state and national charities such as; the Alzheimer’s Association, the Autistic Foundation, the Commission for Social Justice and Cooley’s Anemia Foundation. This fraternal organization was established to serve Italian-Americans and the community at large.
As members of a national fraternal organization, we carry on human relations activities on a charitable basis for the purpose of demonstrating to the community the positive force of its Italian-American citizens. We plan, promote and carry out other charitable, educational and cultural activities which best serve the welfare of Americans of Italian extraction and the community at large. We provide for the needy wherever and whenever possible, and we provide qualified young men and women of Italian heritage with opportunities and scholarships that will better prepare them to become the future leaders of industry and government.

Ambler - Ruggero Bonghi Lodge
Bensalem - Bella Gente Lodge
Central Bucks- Benjamin J. Ventresca Lodge
Crabtree - Emilia Sammartino Lodge
Farrell - Shenango Valley Lodge
Germantown - Ernest M. Strollo Lodge
Homer City - Savoia Lodge
Mechanicsburg - West Shore Lodge
New Castle - Trionfo Italico Lodge
Newtown - Piazza Nuova Lodge
Philadelphia - Salvatore Terruso Lodge
Philadelphia - John B. Acchione Lodge
Our Local Lodges

Philadelphia - Padre Pio Lodge
Philadelphia - Tacony-Mayfair Lodge
Philadelphia - Northeast Lodge
Philadelphia - Columbus-Forum Lodge
Philadelphia - Hon. Frank J. Montemuro, Jr
Philadelphia - St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi
Reading - Reading Lodge
Sewickley - Nicola Misasi Lodge
Selinsgrove- Susquehanna University Lodge
Uniontown - Guiseppe Mazzini Lodge
Warrington - Central Bucks Cross Keys Lodge
Williamsport - Celebrando il Nostro Retaggio